Company News
G Squared Wireless has been named one of the top 30 small workplaces in Middle TN 2020, according to the Tennessean!
We are so proud of our team and everyone involved in making G2W one of the top 30 workplaces in Middle TN!
Posted June 23, 2020

G Squared Wireless partnered with the Second Harvest Food Bank during the holidays to gather donations for people in need around Middle Tennessee.
Our employees were so generous this year, that we exceeded our biggest donation from two years ago.
We provided well over 1000 non-perishable items to the SHFB, and we could not be happier of our G2 Family stepping up and serving those around our area.
Second Harvest Food Drive
Posted November 20, 2018

NTC’s Summer Traveling Tech Days at G Squared Wireless
Posted July 10, 2018

G Squared Wireless, MMS Company offering cradle to grave mobility support (procurement, technical support, logistics, recycling), recently participated in Nashville Technology Council’s Summer Tech Camp.
G2 was excited to host a group of 30 students age 13-15 to introduce them to not only technology careers but the business world, entrepreneurship, working for large vs. small companies and anything they wanted to know about our business. We were happy to share our culture and encourage them to find a place where they are happy. As one of our core values at G Squared, our team encouraged them to take risks and stick their neck out for what they want. Our team exposed them to all facets of our business and our philosophy on growth and paving their own way to success.
These students impressed with their questions and interest in what we do day in and day out. We were honored to have them here and as usual when you give to others you get back even more. They re-energized us and solidified our purpose and how excited we are about our future at G Squared.
More about the tech Camps from The Nashville Technology Council:
“The NTC bring groups of students to local businesses & college campuses to learn more about careers and education in the field of technology. Over the past year, we’ve sent more than 800 students out into the industry. We’re looking for companies who want to invest in the students who will become tomorrow’s technology talent for Middle Tennessee, as well as their teachers so they can gain a better understanding of the content they are teaching and how it relates back to the industry.

ETMA Conference Highlights
Posted July 10, 2018
ETMA, the Enterprise Technology Management Association, (formerly TEMIA) recently hosted its semi-annual conference in Nashville, TN. Speakers and panelists addressed the theme of “Managing in the Age of Disruption.” The conference had many highlights spotlighting exciting changes within the technology industry. Click here to see some video highlights from the conference.
The conference kickoff began with a fun networking activity at Pinewood Social a “trendy industrial-chic” venue with food, drinks and bowling.
On Tuesday morning, CEOs and Presidents from member firms participated in an exclusive breakfast to discuss:
How to Best Shape the Industry.
Areas for Improvement.
Ways the Association Can Help Bring Everyone Together to Achieve the Objectives.
The general session started with opening remarks by the ETMA Executive Board outlining the role of the association, its purpose, values, strategic focus and the rationale for re-branding from the Technology Expense Management Industry Association, (TEMIA) to the Enterprise Technology Management Association, (ETMA). Next, the board discussed new areas that are likely to change and disrupt our market. See additional video highlights.
Speakers and Panelists Addressed Important Topics: • AI Solutions that Solve Problems Today – featuring Gary Oliver, Joel Gruenberg, & Rohan Bopardikar; Razorthink. • Automate or Die! Panel: Alex Mordach, David Sonenstein, Eric Sendelbach, Joel Gruenberg. • Here is Why I-o-T Will Disrupt Our Market Panel: Alex Mordach, Steve Haddock. • What You Don’t Know about GDPR - Sébastien Boire-Lavigne from XMedius. • GDPR Panel: Charles Layne, Chad Beasley, Christian Cor, Dave Sonenstein, Sébastien Boire-Lavigne. • Re-selling Connectivity (Carrier Services) Panel: - Chad Parnis, John Pickett, Mike O’Neill. • What Enterprise Buyers Are Seeking - Hyoun Park; Amalgam Insights. • Opportunities from Cloud and Other Changes to Enterprise Networks Panel: Chris Lee, Jim Price, Rob Whitmore. • Planning for the Future of Mobile Support - Charlie Yielding. • Device Recycling Panel: Mark VanderHeyden, Ben Jones, Suman Dutta. • Outgoing treasurer, Erik Eames, presented ETMA’s finances. • Mark Hearn led a discussion on: New Ways to Demonstrate Value to Enterprises. • Chris Lee presented a Workshop on the ETMA Billing Quality. • Attendees brain stormed on additions to the ETMA content resources.
Round-table discussions were popular. The sessions featured industry peers candidly exchanging views on specific industry issues like new client implementations, reduction of customer churn, pros and cons of e-bonding, structures for effective channel partnerships and other topics.
The conference included peer recognition from the Fall 2017 San Francisco conference with inspirational awards. Tuesday night included a reception with dinner and the award presentations for: • Giving Back to Granite for its charitable work. • Best Practices to Co-Winners Mobile Solutions and Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd. (MTS). • Innovation of the Year for Webbing and Wireless Analytics.
There were new award winners with: • The induction of Erik Eames to ETMA’s Hall of Fame for his contributions and service to the industry. • Partnership Achievement (mobile category) for Ezwim and Network Control. • Partnership Achievement for Juvo Technologies and 4Telecom Help.
Partnership Achievement awards demonstrate how ETMA provides value and serves as a catalyst bringing firms together to form important business alliances. Click here to see members explain the value ETMA provides.
Networking was also a big part of this conference with a distillery tour, whiskey tasting, the Country Music Hall of Fame and golf at the Hermitage course.
Thanks to all of our speakers, panelists, and conference participants for attending the conference and making it a success. We also want to recognize GSquared Wireless with a very special thank you. Our local host, assisted in the selection of venues and they provided resources for conference logistics.