MDM Managed Services

G Squared has partnered with industry leading MDM cloud solutions to bring you the most comprehensive service offering available.
Our years of experience with MDM in the enterprise environment saves you time and money during the setup and implementation, gives smaller organizations the resources available to fortune 500’s, and larger companies the resources and knowledge they need to get the job done right the first time.
G Squared MDM Implementation services will take you through the setup of an MDM environment to ensure each setting is configured and aligned with your organizations goals. We will leverage our experience in both MDM best practices and end user support to accomplish your goals while providing end users a seamless support experience.
A G Squared SME will: perform a discovery session, propose a design based on discovery, provide a project plan with timelines, align support resources with MDM vendor as needed, setup and configure policies and compliance for MDM, MAM and MCM, reporting schedules, co-ordinate support for integration services setup, MEM setup and best practices, provide training and documentation, test devices in the environment, end user onboarding schedule/support/reporting, create custom “job aid” documentation for distribution to end users.
Our team will also perform remote training sessions for customer staff so you are familiar with the environment as needed and as new features are launched.
Project Manager and MDM Expert Assigned
Needs Discovery Session
Project Plan with Timelines and Checkpoints
Location and User Group Setup
Policy Creation
Compliance Rules Creation
Application Management Setup
Document Management Setup
Telecom Reporting Setup
Environment Setup and Customization
Enrollment Setup and Testing
End User Load
Coordinate Email and Integration Services Installation and Setup
Create Custom Documentation
Training / Demonstration
G Squared MDM Help Desk support solution takes your implementation to the next level. We offer 24/7/365 access for end user support of your MDM services on your wireless devices, as well as administrative support for the environment.
End user support includes: user account creation, device enrollment/de-enrollment, email issues, locate a device, application push, wipe or selective wipe, lost/stolen workflow, compliance issues, MDM application navigation, lock/unlock devices.. more!
Administrative support inclueds: environment changes, reporting, location group creation, application management, document management, policy change and push, technical support, new device testing, containerized testing and reporting…more!
Direct Dial Number
Live answer English-speaking personnel available 24/7/365
Other languages supported: French, Spanish, Portuguese -
Support for end users on MDM related issues
Lock/unlock, user add, user enrollment, locate device, push policy, push application, push documents, wipe device, selective wipe, general inquiries, client specific requests. -
Support for customer team on MDM administrative issues
Environment changes, reporting, location and user group creation, device re-assignment, application management, document management, policy change and push, technical support, new device testing, containerized testing and reporting.. other client specific requests. -
Client support manager for single point of contact
Customized support for client based on policy and requirements
SLA’s with detailed reporting
Monthly Stewardship Meeting